
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Biological Principles 2 -- 33.LS

Marine mollusks with shells composed of eight separate plates comprise the mollusk class polyplacophora.
What are the names of the subphyla within the Arthropoda phylum? Hexapoda, myrlapoda, crustacean, chelicerate, trilobita
All of the following are functions of the arthropod exoskeleton except: radiation resistance.
·         Functions: protection, muscle attachment, water conservation
Leeches and earthworms are examples of organism in the phylum Annelida
Which of the following are the three major advantages of segmentation? Enhanced locomotion; Redundancy of organs; Specialization
Match each mollusk class with its major characteristics.
·         Polyplacophora: marine; eight-plated shell
·         Gastropoda: marine, freshwater, or terrestrial; radula present; shell coiled or absent
·         Bivalvia: marine or freshwater; mostly filter feeders; shell with two halves
·         Cephalopoda: marine; predatory; tentacles around mouth; shell usually absent or reduced; closed circulatory system
The exoskeleton may have enabled many arthropods to conserve water and colonize land.
What types of mollusks have successfully colonized land? Slugs, snails
Squids, octopuses, chitons, snails, clams, and oysters are all members of what phylum? Mollusca
The body surface if arthropods contains pores that provide openings to finely branched air tubes, or trachea. What are these pores called? Spiracles
How do cnidarians use cnidocytes? For defense, to immobilize prey
Match each Lophotrochozoa phylum its representative characteristics.
·         Platylhelminthes: Acoelomate; incomplete digestive system; cephalization; flattened body plan; flame cells
·         Rotifer: Pseudocoelomate; corona; parthenogenesis; microscopic; complete digestive system
·         Bryozoa: Colonial; aquatic; lophophore; complete digestive system; zoecium of chitin or calcium carbonate
·         Brachiopoda: ventral and dorsal shell valves; lophophore; attach to substrate with muscular pedicel
Map the path of water through the water vascular system of echinoderms with the part of the body where water enters at the top: Madreporite => Ring canal => Radial canals => Tube feet
In cnidarians, what is a medusa? The free-swimming form that is umbrella-shaped with an opening on the concave underside that serves as a mouth and anus, surrounded by tentacles.
Repetition of body parts, minimization of distortion during movement, and specialization of body regions are the three major advantages of segmentation in annelids.
Of the organism listed, which are members of the Molluska phylum? Chitons, squid, snails, clams
The largest mollusks class, which includes many species that have a single coiled shell is: gastropoda.
The process of molting or shedding a cuticle is known as ecdysis.
Fill in the name of the mollusk classes described below:
·         Marine, freshwater, and terrestrial mollusks that may or may not possess a coiled shell; radula present. Gastropoda
·         Predatory marine mollusks that may or may not possess a shell; closed circulatory system; mouth surrounded by tentacles with suckers. Cephalopoda
·         Marine mollusks that possess a shell composed of eight plates; feed on algae that grows on rock surfaces. Polyplacophora
·         Mollusks that inhabit marine and freshwater habitats; enclosed within left and right shell halves; filter feeders. Bivalvia
Cnidarians are able to defend themselves in what ways?
·         Quick expulsion of water to shrink markedly in size; Use of specialized stinging cells known as cnidocytes
Which of the following phyla are included in the Radiata clade? Ctenophora, Cnidaria
Indicate the invertebrate phyla that are found within the major clades.
·         Parazoa: porifera
·         Radiata: Cnidaria and Ctenophora
·         Lophotrochozoa: Platyhelminthes, Rotifera, lophophorata, annelida, and mollusca
·         Ecdysozoa: nematoda and arthropoda
·         Deuterostomia: Echinodermata and Chordata
Which of the following is not a characteristic common to all mollusks? Radula
What is the function of gills? Exchange of gases
What mollusks are identified as fast-swimming marine predators with a series of arms and a beak-like jaw for capturing and eating prey? Cephalopods
Which of the following are true of the phylum Chordata?
·         This phylum includes all of the vertebrate organisms; The endoskeleton is always internal, with muscles attached.; This phylum includes invertebrate organisms
The animal phylum that includes members that are often bioluminescent, live in marine environments, and use cilia for movement and colloblasts for prey capture is Ctenophora
In cnidarians, cnidocytes are stinging cells used in defense and prey capture.
Which of the following are the three major advantages of segmentation? Enhanced locomotion, redundancy of organs, specialization
Match each phylum listed below with its distinguishable characteristics.
·         Porifera: asymmetrical; no true tissues; choanocytes move water through the body wall and trap food paticles.
·         Cnidaria: radial symmentry; diploblastic; polyp and medusa forms; stinging cells
·         Molluska: bilateral symmetry; triploblastic; body plan comprised of a foot, visceral mass, and mantle; some species have a shell for protection
·         Arthropoda: bilateral symmetry; triploblastic; segmented; a hard cuticle composed primarily of chitin; ecdysis
·         Echinodermata: larvae exhibit bilateral symmetry, adults radial; triploblastic; tube feet; deuterostomes development; endoskeleton composed of ossicles
Which of the following are defining characteristics of the phylum Chordata? Muscular post-anal tail; Notochord; Pharyngeal slits; Hollow dorsal nerve cord
Which of the following characteristics is found only in annelids? Clitellum
What type of organisms may reproduce sexually by releasing sperm into the water to fertilize eggs retained within the body of a hermaphroditic individual and eventually develop into swimming larvae, or asexually by fragmentation or budding? Sponges
Which of the following are characteristics of the subphylum Chelicerata? Fangs; Typically predatory or parasitic; The main class is arachnida; Have bodies consisting of two tagmata
Organisms that lack mesoderm, predominately inhabit marine environments, and possess a gastrovascular cavity and nerve net are members of what clade? Radiata
Which of the following are morphological characteristics of crustaceans?
·         Two pairs of antennae; A tail composed of a telson and uropod; A body plan consisting of a cephalothorax and abdomen; A Nauplius larval stage that differs significantly in appearance from the adult stage
Flatworms that are internally parasitic within humans and thus of great medical or veterinary concern include: tapeworms, blood flukes, Chinese liver flukes
Which of the following accurately defines the independent visual units that make up the compound eyes of arthropods? They are called ommatidia
Skeletal support of a sponge may be provided by sponging fibers or spicules composed of proteins, silica, or calcium carbonate
Which of the following are characteristics that member of the Deuterostomia clade have in common?
·         Bilateral symmetry at some point in development; An endoskeleton
Insects belong to the class insecta
The chordates are named after the notochord, which is a single flexible rod composed of fibrous tissue encasing fluid-filled cells
Which of the following are characteristics of the Ctenophora phylum? Two long tentacles; Two germ layers; Eight rows of cilia on their surface; Mesoglea
Organism that undergo protostome development and possess either a lophophore or a distinct trochophore larval stage are members of what major animal clade? Lophotrochozoa
Which of the following are true of members of the phylum nematoda? They have a pseudocoelom; Many species are parasitic; The mouth often contains stylets; They undergo ecdysis
Flatworms belong to the phylum platylhelminthes
Ecdysozoans are named as such because they all undergo ecdysis
The three embryonic germ cells found in animals are called ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm
All members of the phylum Arthropoda have what characteristics? Segmentation; Jointed legs; An exoskeleton composed of chitin and protein
Members of the phylum Platyhelminthes have which of the following characteristics? They respire by diffusion; They are acoelomate; They exhibit cephalization
A closed circulatory system is one in which blood flows throughout an animal entirely within a series of vessels.
Octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses are members of what mollusk class? Cephalopoda
Which of the following are true of decapods? A distinct larval form known as a Nauplius; They include the largest crustacean species; Ten walking legs, one pair of which is often modified into large claws
The vast majority of animals exhibit bilateral symmetry
Many arthropods possess tagmata. What are they? Body segments that have become fused into functional units
Organisms with spiny skin that exhibit bilateral symmetry as larvae and modified radial symmetry as adults, and possess a water vascular system make up what phylum? Echinodermata
What are cnidocytes? Stinging cells that can be used in defense or prey capture
The lophophore, the structure characteristic of lophophorates, plays important roles in which of the following processes? Feeding and respiration
Animals that lack a fluid-filled body cavity are acoelomates
Which arthropods have two walking legs per segment and defend themselves through bright coloration, coiling, or ejecting toxic, repellent secretions? Millipedes
Which of the following are characteristics of members of the phylum Bronzoa?
·         They are colonial animals; They are often found encrusting rocks in shallow aquatic environments; Each animal secretes and lives inside a zoecium composed of chitin or calcium carbonate; They possess a lophophore
The first larval stage of crustaceans that looks much different from the adult form is known as a Nauplius
The cuticle of nematodes is composed mainly of collagen. The cuticle of arthropods, on the other hand, forms a hard outer layer called the exoskeleton, which consists of chitin and protein.
Some members of the Lophotrochozoa clade undergo a larval stage called a trochophore during their life cyle.
What phylum includes hydra, jellyfish, box jellies, sea anemones, and corals? Cnidaria
What phyla are included in the Lophotrochozoa clade?
·         Brachlopoda; Platyhelminthes; Bryozoan; Rotifer; Annelida; Mollusca
Some invertebrate organisms possess a crown of tentacles called a lophophore that functions in feeding and respiration.
Place the following stages in the life cycle of a Chinese liver fluke in order, with the first stage following reproduction within a human at the top and the last stage at the bottom.
1.       Miracidia are encapsulated; they pass from the host via the feces.
2.       An intermediate host (mollusk) eats the eggs. Sporocysts are formed.
3.       Asexual reproduction occurs to produce rediae.
4.       Asexual reproduction occurs to produce cercariae.
5.       A fish is infected, and metacercarial cysts are formed.
Which of the following organisms are chelicerates? Ticks, spiders, mites, scorpions
Myriapods have one pair of antennae on the head and three pairs of appendages that are modified as mouth parts, including mandibles that act as jaws.
Functions of the mantle in mollusks include: forming a chamber that houses the gills; secreting the shell in some pieces.
What phyla are included in the Deuterostomia clade? Chordata, Echinodermata
What organisms have longitudinal muscles, a pseudocoelom, and a cuticle composed primarily of collagen? Nematodes
Which of the following statements are true regardin echinoderms and chordates?
·         Echinoderms have radial symmetry; chordates are bilaterally symmetrical
·         They both have endoskeletons, but they differ in function; Only chordates possess a notochord
·         The water vascular system is unique to Echinodermata
What phylum includes organisms that have a cuticle composed of chitin and protein, jointed appendages, and segments fused into functional units called tagmata? Arthropoda
What organisms are included in the phylum Ctenophora? Comb jellies
The phyla chordata and Echinodermata are included in the Deuterostomia clade because their members undergo deuterostomes embryonic development.
Most cnidarians exist as two different body forms: the medusa and the polyp.
Which of the following are characteristics of scorpions?
·         The young are carried on the back of the mother until their first molt
·         They are generally found in tropical or subtropical regions
In mollusks, the internal organs are located in which major body region? Visceral mass
Repetition of body parts, minimization of distortion during movement, and specialization of body regions ae the three major advantages of segmentation in annelids.
Which of the following are characteristics of centipedes?
·         Their venom may be powerful enough to cause pain humans
·         The head has many sensory appendages, including antennae and appendages modified as mouthparts
·         They are carnivores that actively pursue their prey
Match each major arthropod subphylum to its defining characteristics.
·         Chelicerata: body comprised of a cephalothrorax and abdomen; six pairs of appendages (four pairs walking legs, one pair of fangs, and one pair of pedipalps); terrestrial
·         Myriapoda: body comprised of a head and highly segmented trunk; one or two pairs of legs per segment’ terrestrial
·         Hexapoda: body comprised of head, thorax, and abdomen; mouthparts modified for food type; usually two pairs of wings and three pairs of legs; usually terrestrial
·         Crustacea: body comprised of two or three parts;  three or more pairs of legs; chewing mouthparts; usually marine
Which of the following are characteristics of tunicates (subphylum Urochordata)?
·         They undergo metamorphosis from larvae to adult form; Sessile adult that has only one of the chordate hallmarks; Adults are filter-feeders; Most are hermaphroditic
What sentence best describes the feeding mechanism of a sponge? Tiny food particles are trapped by flagellated cells as water is drawn through pores in the body of the sponge and exits via the osculum.
Sponges are members of the porifera phylum
Parthenogenesis is a reproductive process that is unique to which of the following animals? Rotifera
Components of the annelid body plan include: A ventral nerve cord containing giant axons; Respiration that occurs only across the skin surface; A double transport system
Fast-moving, carnivorous arthropods with one pair of walking legs per segment are known as centipedes
Individuals that are capable of producing both sperm and eggs are known as: hermaphrodites
The only phylum included in the Parazoa clade is Porifera
All ecdysozoans possess a cuticle, which is a nonliving cover that serves both to support and protect the animal
What substances make up the exoskeleton of an arthropod? Chitin and protein
How do cnidocytes function? The cnidocil is triggered, causing the nematocyst to discharge and toxin to be injected into prey or a predator.
Animals without backbones are known as invertebrates.
The phenomenon that results from chemical reactions that give off light instead of heat is bioluminescence.

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