
Sunday, January 29, 2017

Ecology Ch. 5

The energy that is referred to as heat energy is a type of kinetic energy.

When heat is lost as water evaporates from the surface of an organism it is termed evaporation

Which of the following ingredients are necessary to run photosynthesis?
Light, chlorophyll, water

Match the corresponding symbol to what it represents within the metabolizable energy intake formula discovered by Michael Angiletta.
C – energy consumed; F – energy lost in feces; U – energy lost in uric acid

What is produced as a result of photosynthesis? Organic molecules

A plant’s short term response to a change in moisture levels is called acclimation

What features of enzymes are necessary for enzymes to function correctly?
Flexibility, proper shape, proper temperature

Under which temperature range would we expect most species to have the greatest fitness?
22 – 28 degree Celsius

If an organism enters a state of reduced metabolic activity during the summer months it is said to be in a state of estivation

Which processes are especially influenced by temperature? Respiration and photosynthesis

What will happen to the body temperature of an ectotherm if the air temperature was to decrease? It would decrease

When an organism decreases it metabolism during the winter months it is said that is has entered a state of hibernation

At night, when hummingbirds lower their metabolic rate and body temperature, they are referred to as being in a state of torpor

The transfer of heat from a solid object and moving fluid is termed convection

During conduction, how is heat transferred? Direct contact

What does the principle of allocation address? Evolutionary implications of energy limitation

The main factor to consider when studying the thermal neutral zone is the organism’s metabolic rate

What methods do hummingbirds use to conserve energy at night? Reduce their body temperature; reduce their metabolic rate

What is the lower end of the body temperature range for endotherm? 35 degree Celsius

How does the human body respond to a high temperature? Increased blood flow to the skin; increased heart rate

Identify the plant features discovered by James Ehleringer that make Encelia sp. Adaptable to various environments. Production of different sets of leaves at different times of the year; leaves that are pubescent

Which type of climate information is reported by a weather station? Macroclimate

Desert plants reduce heat by orienting their leaves parallel to the sun’s rays

The term for vegetation that grows along the banks of rivers and streams is called riparian vegetation

Which type of climate interaction with the local landscape will result in a variation to temperature? Macroclimate

The relationship between organisms and their environment is called ecology

What method have most organisms evolved in order to compensate for variations in environmental temperature? Regulation of body temperature

The capacity of water to absorb heat energy without changing temperature is called specific heat

In order for hibernation to be beneficial there must be a net savings in energy

Which methods are employed by beetles to maintain their body temperature?
Face into the sun; standing on the tips of their feet; moving between shade and sun

What source of energy is used by homeotherms to maintain their body temperature? Metabolic energy

How will our body respond to a low temperature? Increase metabolism of fat; start to shiver; release metabolic hormones

The transfer of heat through electromagnetic radiation is termed radiation

Which components of heat can be ignored when studying desert plants? Heat lost from evaporative cooling; heat of metabolism

Indicate, in degrees Celsius, the temperature that produced the maximum growth rate for Antarctic bacteria. 4

The benefit gained by the Dryas flower from the insects that will use its flowers for warmth is pollination

Which process releases heat within an organism? Cellular respiration

What will happen to the body temperature of a poikilotherm if the air temperature increases? It will increase

What type of organisms rely on internal derived heat energy? Endotherms

Indicate, in degrees Celsius, the coldest temperature that Boreal moss can photosynthesis at. -5

Temperature measures kinetic energy. TRUE

Which methods are used by ectothermic animals to regulate body temperature? Body size, body shape, pigmentation

Which events can trigger torpor in hummingbirds? Environmental conditions prevent them from feeding regularly; arriving at breeding grounds prior to flowers blooming; reduction in food availability due to decreased nectar production

What happened to the body temperature of the grasshoppers that were kept in the shade? Their body temperature stayed the same as that of the air temperature

What features enable organisms, such as birds and mammals, to be endothermic in an aquatic environment? Thick layer of fat; insulating layer of fur; air breathers

Psychrophilic refers to bacteria that are cold-loving

During the Bennett and Lenski experiment, organisms were grown at 20 degrees C

How do honeybees maintain their elevated body temperature? The flight muscles maintain the temperatures

In the K. Schmidt-Nielsen equation, for the components of heat that can be manipulated, what does Hm represent? Heat gained by metabolism

Which biome would be described as having freezing temperatures at night followed by “summer” temperatures during the day? Tropical alpine

Which best describes the latent heat of vaporization? The large amount of heat absorbed by water as it evaporates.

Identify the features used by desert plants to avoid overheating. Small leaves; reflective surfaces

Which mechanism do desert plants use to avoid overheating? Convection; conduction

How many grams of fat did F. L. Carpenter estimate a hummingbird will lose during a state of torpor? 0.02

If an organism allocates more energy towards reproduction, this will result in less energy available for growth

Which features have enabled the rosette plant to adapt to a tropical alpine zone? A thick pubescence; retaining their dead leaves

Identify the optimal temperature for both enzymes. 12 degree C

What is the most common abiotic variable produced by plants that can lead to the creation of microclimates? Shade

What was the highest temperature that the arctic cushion plant achieved during the course of the study? 35 degree C

Organisms can regulate their body temperature by manipulating the gain and loss of heat

What temperature range are thermophilic bacteria likely to be found in? above 40 degree C

What was the egg hatching success of A. arbustorum at 19 degree C? 80%

Which methods are used by arctic plants to help stay warm? Increasing the rate of radiative heating; decreasing the rate of convective cooling

A measure of enzyme performance is it affinity for the substrate

As temperature increases and pushes into an extreme range, it can eventually lead to the entire species going extinct

Countercurrent heat exchanges are vascular structures that reduce the rate of heat loss

Which of the following variables will influence the microclimate of an area? Vegetation; color of the ground; altitude

Which event is leading to species having an earlier spring migration along with an extension of their natural range towards the poles? Climate warming

What information did Knutson gain from his study of the eastern skunk cabbage? The inflorescences can maintain elevated temperatures when it blooms; the plant can function as an endothermic organism

What happens to the rate of photosynthesis when the temperature goes above a plant’s optimal range? Decreases

During Morita’s experiments, at what temperature, in degree Celsius, did the Vibrio sp. Grown the fastest? 4

What is the term for the heat energy that water gives up to its environment as it freezes? Latent heat of fusion

What mechanism would cause an organism to have its metabolic rate increase by two to three times its resting metabolism? An increase in environmental temperature above the thermal neutral zone

Which type of heat is reduced by the cushion plant’s compact growth form? Convective and radiative

Rainbow trout contain the enzyme acetylcholinesterase which performs best within a temperature range between 8 and 20 degree C

Which beach will heat up faster and to a higher temperature? Black

What is the main factor that determines the temperature of an animal burrow? The depth of the burrow

Which type of environmental change is most likely to lead to the extinction of a snail? A change in the environmental temperature

Levins’s principle of allocation is supported by the research conducted by which scientist? Bennett and Lenski research on E. coli

Which features help the cushion plant reduce heat loss? Growing close to the ground; compact growth form

Which statement is correct about the relationship between temperature and the survival rate of clear-winged grasshoppers regarding fungal infection? Higher temperatures increase the survival rates

What are the consequences of a species adapting to one set of environmental conditions? A decrease in fitness in other environments

What would occur if a skunk cabbage were to increase its metabolic temperature? The inflorescence would retain its temperature

What happened to the hatching rates of the snail eggs when the temperature reached 29 degree C? There was a decrease in the hatching of both species eggs

At what temperature did C. nemoralis have its greatest egg hatching success? 19 degree C

What temperature was available to the seashore isopods if they chose to live under the stones? 30 degree C

What is the optimal temperature for hyperthermophiles? Above 80 degree C

Grasshoppers reared at higher developmental temperatures will produce lower levels of pigment in order to adjust their body temperature

What do bumble bees do to enable flight during cold temperatures? Warm their flight muscles

What did Angilleta learn about the body temperature of S. undulates? S. undulates from New Jersey and South Carolina have the same preferred temperature

Atmospheric pressure decreases with elevation, leading to a decrease in temperature. TRUE

What is the method used by members of Araceae to heat their flowers? Using metabolic energy to maintain warmth

Why do tropical primates go into hibernation? To conserve energy

In which environment will a lakes temperature remain the most stable? Tropical

Because lizards will use various behaviors that employ environmental factors to regulate their body temperature they are classified as ectothermic

Which shade of ground color tends to have a lower temperature? Light

Which feature is adaptive for arctic plants? Dark pigmentation

What abiotic feature do mountains and hillsides often produce that will influence the microclimate? Shade

What results were expected from the Bennet and Lenski experiment? An organism adapted to a low temperature would have a lower fitness in higher temperatures

What type of environment to species with narrow thermal neutral zones tend to live in? tropical

What information did Fletz learn about C. medius during her study? C. medius will lose approximately 34% of its body weight during hibernation

What is the main factor that determines the temperature of an animal burrow? The depth of the burrow

Which aquatic environment will have the greatest chance of resisting a change in temperature? The Atlantic Ocean

Which type of heat exchange mechanism are grasshoppers using when they adjust their pigment in order to change their temperature? Radiation

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