Measuring the relative abundance of the
non-radioactive isotopes of elements in materials is known as stable isotope analysis
Match the algebraic symbol with its definition.
– water inside the organism; Wd – water consumed; WS –
water urinated; Wo – water pf diffusion
To compensate for osmotic water loss, fish drink
seawater. How do fish deal with the salts in the seawater? They excrete Mg and SO4 through their kidneys; they secrete Cl and Na
from their gills
The tension produced by the evaporation of water
from the plant’s leaves reduces the
water potential within the entire plant
Rank the following sources of water intake (greatest
to least) for the Onymacris beetle,
with the greatest at the top. Fog, metabolism,
The movement of water vapor from the land to the
atmosphere is known as evaporation
Match the isotopic pair to the source of the
reference material.
1H – Standard Mean Ocean Water
15N: 14N – atmosphere
13C: 12C – PeeDee
34S: 32S – Canyon Diablo
Which of the following are strategies used by plants
to conserve water in arid environments? Reduced
leaf area; dormancy; thicker leaves
The magnitude of soil matric potentials are inversely related to soil grain size,
with coarse soils having lower
matric potentials than fine grained soils
For organisms in aquatic environments, the water
balance equations include a term for osmosis, Wo. The sign of Wo
changes depending upon the organism
and environment
Camels conserve water by insulating itself from high temperature and reducing exposure to the sun
The relative humidity is 39% when: water vapor density is 7 g/m3, saturation
vapor denity is 18 g/m3
shallow root network allows the saguaro cactus to rapidly
take up water during rare rain events
Which of the following would be regulated by an
organism through the process of osmoregulation? Cations, water, anions
The ability of water to do work is dependent on the free energy content, moving from a
position of higher free energy to a
position of lower free energy
Water flows from the soil to the plant when plant < soil
In general, plants growing in drier climates tend to
have roots that grow deeper and make
up a greater proportion of the
plants biomass than plant in moister climates
In their study of kangaroo rats, Tracy and Glenn
found differences between the three sites they looked at. Rank the sites in
order of evaporative water loss from greatest to lowest. Moist, intermediate, dry
Which of the following are ways that scorpions
conserve water? Burrowing into moist
soil; reducing their metabolic rate
What is the benefit to aquatic animals of being
isosmotic with the surrounding water? Energy
In aquatic environments, water moves down it’s concentration gradient
Because freshwater fish are hyperosmotic, they
compensate by drinking large amounts of water. FALSE
The water balance equation for animals is basically
water entering equals water exiting. Indicate whether the following are inflows
(“in”) or outflows (“out”): in – Wd
and Wf; out – We and WS
In a hypoosmotic organism, water will tend to flow out of the organism, while salts will
tend to flow into the organism
Which of the following is a source of water intake
for Kangaroo rats? Food moisture,
Like animals, the water balance for plants is water
entering equals water exiting. Some flows are unique to plants and there are
several flows that are common to both plants and animals. Indicate which of the
following are common to both plants and animals (“true”) or not common
(“false”): false – We and Wr
and Wt; true - Wa
Plants growing in the rain shadow of a mountain
range will have more roots than
individuals of the same species growing at the same elevation on the windward
side of the mountain range.
We can think of aquatic organisms and their
environment as two aqueous solutions separated by a selectively permeable membrane
Pure water has a potential of zero, while most environmental water has a potential that is negative
A fish, with few solutes in its body fluids,
swimming in the ocean near the mouth of a river would experience lower osmotic pressure as compared to
swimming in the open ocean
In response to increasing the humidity of the
experimental chambers, Toolson and Hadley found that the internal temperature
of cicadas increased to the ambient
The presence of hydrocarbons
helps to improve the waterproofing of the cuticle of scorpions
In drier soils, water will remain in the smaller
soil pores. TRUE
As a result of being hyperosmotic to the surrounding
seawater, sharks gain water through
Reducing evaporative water loss is an important component of water balance
for organisms found in arid environments
Ehleringer found that plants using deep ground water
tended to have DeltaD closer to winter precipitation,
while plants with shallower roots were closer to summer precipitation
Within the vascular tissues of plants, hydrogen bonds between adjacent water
molecules hold the column of water together
The matric (in MPa) will be -0.2 given: plant -1.2 MPa, pressure -0.7 MPa, solutes -0.3 MPa
Being hyperosmotic, freshwater invertebrates must
expend energy to release water and absorb salts
Park was interested in studying the response of
Digitaria and Eleosine to water stress
in sand dunes
For the fluid in plants, the water potential plant =
matric + solutes
A decrease in air temperature will result in a decrease in the saturation water
vapor density
The maximum quantity of water that air at a specific
temperature can hold is known as saturation
water vapor density
In order to offset the water loss from evaporative
cooling, the cicadas increase their water intake by sucking water from their host plant
In order to maintain their water balance and
compensate for water loss through osmosis, saltwater mosquitoes will consume
large amount of seawater, up to 240% of their body volume. Which term in the
water balance equation would reflect this inflow of water? Wd
Several desert beetles have evolved ways to acquire
water by collecting water from fog
Animals predominantly eating C4 plants would have a lower ratio of 12C:13C than those
eating C3 plants
The name of the SI unit of pressure defined as 1 N/m2.
Solutes is a positive number. FALSE
During Park’s experiments with Digitaria and Eleusine,
the drought period was twice the
time between waterings in under the well-watered conditions
The pressure exerted by water vapor in air is the water vapor pressure
The amount of energy an organism expends upon the magnitude of the osmotic pressure and
the permeability of their bodily
Toolson and Hadley’s experiment showed a that there
was a “threshold effect” for evaporation. Until the temperature had increased
to 39 degree C, there was little
change in the evaporation rates of the scorpions
Using the figure, at an air temperature of 23 degree
C, the measured vapor pressure of 1.9 kPa represents a vapor pressure deficit
of 0.9 kPa
Schenk and Jackson found that, in general, root
lengths increase when moving from 80
degree to 30 degree latitude
Water’s tendency to adhere to soil particles creates
matric forces
An increase in the vapor pressure deficit in the air
around an organism would result in an
increase in the rate of evaporation from the organism
Strategies for water conservation are limited to
plants growing in arid environments. FALSE
The function of specialized cells on the anal
papillae of mosquito larvae is to absorb
A plant is placed in a clear, sealed chamber. Over time
you would expect the evaporation rate from the plant to decreases
The saturation water vapor pressure increases when air temperature
In Hadley and Schultz’ experiments with tiger
beetles, they measured water loss by weighing
the beetles before and after the beetles were placed in chambers of dry air
Toolson and Hadley found pores in the cuticle of the cicadas that permit water to move
through the otherwise water-impermeable cuticle
As a result of their experiments on the water loss
in tiger beetles, Hadley and Schultz hypothesized that difference in
experiments were related to the amount
of hydrocarbons in their cuticle
Park conducted his experiment with Digitaria and Eleusine in the laboratory
When Toolson and Hadley placed a humidity sensor
just above the cicadas, they found the evaporation rates increased when the temperature of the environmental chamber was
In his experiments, Park found that differences in
root growth between the two species were greatest in deeper soil layers
14N is differentially excreted during protein
synthesis compared to 15N. We would therefore expect the ratio of 14N:15N to decrease when moving up a food web
The difference between the saturated vapor pressure
and the measured vapor pressure is the vapor
pressure deficit