
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ecology Ch. 23

Put the following components of earth’s atmosphere (at the surface) in order from most abundant to least abundant. (Not all components of the atmosphere are listed). Nitrogen; oxygen; argon; carbon dioxide; ozone

The Great Salt Lake basin experienced 2 increases in precipitation due to El Ninos in the 1980s

Edge effects: occur when a forest tract is cut; reduce habitat area; isolate previously contiguous populations

Most infrared radiation from the earth’s surface is absorbed by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

In North and South America, La Nina drought conditions are more prevalent than during El Nino

During La Ninas, the northern United States, Canada, and Alaska typically experience colder than average temperatures

Human activities have had a great impact on which of the atmospheric gases listed? Oxygen; methane; carbon dioxide

Put the following layers of earth’s atmosphere in order from closest to earth’s surface to farthest away from earth’s surface. Troposphere; stratosphere; mesosphere; thermosphere

Vitousek estimated that nitrogen-fixing crops, such as alfalfa and soybeans, fix about 30 Tg of nitrogen per year

Earth’s atmosphere traps some radiation, allowing the surface of the earth to stay warm. This phenomenon is called the greenhouse effect

Which is correct concerning stratospheric ozone? It absorbs radiation associated with damaging living tissues; it absorbs ultraviolet light; it absorbs UV-B radiation

World War I is associated with an increase in the burning of fossil fuel and corresponding increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. FALSE

The typical salinity of the Great Salt lake: limits the zooplankton species richness

Which of the following is true concerning the mature phase of El Nino? Droughts are common in the western Pacific; droughts may occur in Australia; barometric pressure decreases in the eastern Pacific

Physical changes due to forest fragmentation include a decrease in animal diversity, including monkeys, birds, bees, carrion and dung beetles

Reduced atmospheric 14C levels that result from the burning of fossil fuels is called the Suess effect

Which of the following is NOT true concerning changes that occur due to tropical forest fragmentation? Temperatures along forest edges become cooler
TRUE: forest edges are exposed to higher winds; forest edges are exposed to greater solar radiation; areas along the forest edges are drier

Which of the following were used to determine historic atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over the past 1000 years? Mauna Loa direct measurements; siple ice core; south pole ice core

In the absence of human influences, nitrogen fixation is carried out by free-living bacteria and actinomycete fungi

Which of the following is NOT a greenhouse gas? Nitrogen
IS: carbon dioxide; water vapor; chlorofluocarbons (CFCs); methane

Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels: were relatively unchanging from 1000 – mid 1700s

Which of the following are sources of increased nitrogen fixation in the nitrogen cycle? Planting of legumes; fertilization of agricultural land; burning of fossil fuels

Energy absorbed by the atmosphere or the earth’s surface can be reemitted as infrared radiation

Tropical forest fragmentation decreases the forest overstory and increases the thickness of the understory

During La Nina: the western Pacific contains warmer than average seawater

When a small fragment of tropical forest is cut, the newly exposed edges are subject to higher levels of solar radiation and wind

Rotating crops such as soybeans with grains increases crop yields due to increased nitrogen fixation

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the nitrogen cycle in the absence of human manipulation? Lightening has no effect on nitrogen fixation rates
TRUE: nitrogen fixation occurs in both the terrestrial and marine environments; nitrogen fixation is performed by bacteria and some fungi; the amount of total fixed nitrogen is about 130 Tg per year

CFCs: broken down in the atmosphere ultimately cause ozone depletion; contain carbon, chlorine, and fluorine; were historically used as refrigerants

Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation and radiate it back to earth

Chlorine released by the breakdown of CFC molecules results in the depletion of the ozone layer

How does Keeling’s data from Mauna Loa complement data from earlier ice core data on changes in carbon dioxide levels? Data gathered from the Siple ice core and Mauna Loa independently established nearly identical CO2 levels; two of the measurements Keeling’s group made overlap the data gathered from the Siple ice core

The 1982 – 1983 El Nino increased precipitation levels in the Great Salt Lake basin

Which of the following are characteristics of the red kangaroo? It is the largest herbivore in Australia; their reproductive cycle is tied to environmental conditions; they occupy land in Australia that has occasional west periods that alternate with severe drought

Keeling and colleagues took measurements of present day carbon dioxide levels in the state of Hawaii that complement ice core data used to address changes in these levels

Which of the following are correct concerning the effects of the 1982 – 1983 El Nino on the Great Salt Lake? Predaceous corixid bugs moved into the limnetic zone; grazing zooplankton numbers declined resulting in a reduced grazing rate

The seabird populations of the Galapagos islands experienced drastic declines in reproduction AND migrated north and south along South America in response to the El Nino of 1982 – 1983

Landsat high-resolution images of the Amazon Basin were analyzed by Skole and Tucker to estimate deforestation rates

Scientists have reconstructed historic concentrations of CO2 in earth’s atmosphere by analyzing: air bubbles trapped in ice

When Cairns and Grigg quantified how rainfall in souther Australia affected red kangaroo populations, they found an increase in population size associated with abundant rainfall that occurred from 1988 to 1989 as a result of La Nina

What was the purpose of the Montreal Protocol? Reduce and eliminate human-generated ozone-depleting chemicals

When the barometric pressure in the western Pacific Ocean increases, the pressure in the eastern Pacific Ocean decreases. This is an example of the phenomenon known as the Southern Oscillation

Phytoplankton biomass shifted to the east of the Galapagos islands in response to the 1982 – 1983 El Nino

During wet years, female red kangaroos will often have a joey following her, a younger offspring in her pouch, and an embryo that will enter the pouch once it is vacated

The ozone hole over the Antartic, since its discovery in 1985: reached its maximum size in 2000

Which of the following is NOT true? Severe deforestation has only occurred in tropical forests
TRUE: temperate forest regions of Europe, eastern China, Japan and North America are densely populated; old growth temperate forests in northwestern North American have been greatly cut down; Boreal forests in Russia and Canada have been affected by deforestation

The Vostok ice core from around 160,000 years ago corresponds to an ice age, a period of low planetary temperatures

Any negative values on the Southern Oscillation Index indicates: lower barometric pressure in the eastern Pacific Ocean

Results of Skole and Tucker’s work in the Amazon Basin estimated that deforestation occurred at a rate of 15,000 km2 per year from 1978 – 1988

The amount of 14C in fossil fuels is: low

What occurred in the Great Salt Lake from 1987 – 1990? Phytoplankton biomass decreased

Nevill Nicholls suggested that red kangaroos reproduce large numbers of offspring under favorable conditions. This leads to an increase in the size of the adult populations at the onset of El Ninos

When El Ninos decrease upwelling of nutrients, primary production decreases

Much of the forested area in eastern North America was cut down by mid-1800s

The Walker circulation pattern is associated with: warm air from the western Pacific rising and flowing eastward in the upper atmosphere

After the discovery of the hole in the ozone layer in 1985 and changes to environmental policy, it is estimated that recovery of the stratospheric ozone layer will likely take another: 50 years or more

During El Nino, the normally cool waters off the coast of South America become warmer

As a result of the Montreal Protocol, global emissions of CFCs have been reduced from 1 million tons annually to less than 50,000 tons in 2003

Jacob Bjerknes is credited for connecting the Southern Oscillation with El Nino, giving a global perspective on weather patterns

In a study of the effects of fragmentation in the Amazon Basin, researchers worked with ranchers to develop fragmented tracts of forests and unfragmented tracts of forest of the same size to use as a comparison or control

Seventy-five percent of the world’s tropical forests occur in 10 countries. The largest single tract of tropical forest is in the country of Brazil

Graham Harrington’s study of soil moisture and the survival of the narrow-leaf hopbush in Australia showed that survival: increased with the La Nina side of the Southern Oscillation

The British mathematician who identified the relationship between barometric pressure in the Pacific Ocean and monsoon rainfall in Asia is named Gilbert Walker

75% of tropical deforestation occurs in Brazil, while 25% occurs outside of Brazil. FALSE

Over the past 100 years or so, human contributions to the global nitrogen cycle have become stable and unchanging. FALSE

Brazil’s National Institute for Research in Amazonia and World Wildlife Fund are responsible for a long-term study of forest fragmentation

Which country has the highest rate of tropical deforestation? Brazil

Gilbert Walker is credited for the identification of: the Southern Oscillation

After 1980 (late 20th century), human sources of fixed nitrogen: exceeded nonhuman sources for the first time

A Brazilian law requires that 50% of land developed in the Amazon Basin remains forested

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Ecology Ch. 22

What type of relationship exists between isolation and species richness? Negative

Which two factors help explain the variation in species diversity across islands? Area of the habitat; isolation of the region

The study of ecological structure and processes at large geographic scales is the definition of geographic ecology

Match the correct species richness with the island distance from the mainland.
101 bird species – 675 km from the mainland
12 bird species – 3150 km from the mainland
65 bird species – 1880 km from the mainland

Which group of scientists use geographic information systems to analyze their data? Geographic ecologist

Identify the following hypotheses that try to explain latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Tropical species are more controlled by predators; tropical species have more mutualistic interactions; tropical species are limited by biological factors

The change in the species composition of an island is termed species turnover

Islands will vary in the species diversity and composition due to the difference in size. TRUE

Identify the functions of a GPS system. Determine latitude; determine altitude; determine longitude

According to Rosenzweig, how does a large tropical region decrease the chances of extinction? Large tropical areas should have more refuges that will help decrease environmental disturbances; large tropical areas will allow tropical species to be distributed over a large area

Which factors play the greatest role in determining the number of species in a given area? Number of species added minus the number of species that disappear

What relationship exists between habitat patches and species richness? As a habitat patch increases in size, the species richness increases

Which features help maintain species richness on islands? Immigration to the island; extinction on the island

Match the correct number of bird species to the square area of the associated islands.
14 bird species – 200 acres
26 bird species – 1250 acres
3 bird species – 26 acres

Match the number of species with the island size, as predicted by MacArthur and Wilson.
Large number of species – small islands that are far away
Highest number of species – large islands that are near
Intermediate number of species – small, near islands

Which abiotic factor most likely played a role in determining the difference in temperate tree diversity? Distribution of mountain ranges

Which variables are associated with the equilibrium model of island biogeography? Rates of extinction; rates of immigration

According to the heterogeneity hypothesis, which region would contain the greatest number of species? Tropics

Species richness on islands is static. FALSE

What are the two main categories that scientists are using in order to explain latitudinal gradients in species diversity? Niche breadth; interspecific interactions

Based upon the research done by Flessa, which statement would be correct? A large continent would have a high mammalian richness

Which biome is most likely to have the greatest species richness? Tropical rainforest

What information is used by a remote sensing system? Electromagnetic radiation

In what ways are new species added to an area? Immigration; speciation

Match the correct land mass with species richness, according to Brown.
Eurasia – greatest mammalian diversity
Africa – moderate mammalian diversity
Madagascar – lowest mammalian diversity

What event helps maintain the diversity on a mountain island? Colonization from source areas

Why did Rosenzweig propose that tropical species should have a greater population size? Tropical species have a larger range

Which additional features have been added to the definition of geographic ecology? Study of the ecological structure on large scales; study of ecological process at large geographic scales

Which term refers to the rate of arrival of new species on an island? Immigration

Which of the following are components of geographic ecology? Island biogeography; influence of historical processes on biological diversity; latitudinal patterns of species diversity

Who defined the term geographic ecology? Robert MacArthur

What is the main role of a global positioning system? Determine locations on the earth’s surface

Which statement best explains why certain mountain islands have a greater diversity than others? Mountain island diversity is maintained by colonization from nearby regions

Which features did Brown propose played a secondary role in determining species diversity? Amount of predation within the region; competition between species

Which statement best describes remote sensing? The gathering of information about an object without direct contact

Geographic ecology is a very narrow field of study. FALSE

Which biomes in particular are associated with the productivity hypothesis? Coral reefs; tropical rain forests

What happens to species richness as you approach the equator? Species richness increases

What did Simberloff and Wilson conclude from their mangrove study? The number of species present did not change; species composition changed

What is the relationship between continental area and species richness? A positive relationship between mammalian richness and the area of continents

Which endemic species suggests that South American beech forests have been isolated for an extended period of time? Birds; frogs; mammals

Match the appropriate mammal richness to the montane area.
1 mammal species – 10 km3
15 mammal species – 10,000 km3
6 mammal species – 100 km3

Which events helped lead to the establishment of montane habitats? Alpine habitats contracted to the top of mountains; the climate warmed

What term refers to the rate at which species disappeared from an island? Extinction

Which factors influence local diversity on continents? Amount of predation experienced; successional age of the community

What type of relationship exists between tropical area and tropical diversity among fruit-eating mammals and plants? A positive relationship

According to the perturbation hypothesis, why are there more species in the tropics? The tropics are older; the tropics are disturbed less frequently

Where are montane habitats typically found? On the top of mountains

Identify the reasons why South American beech forests have a low diversity? They have a small area; they have been isolated for a long time

Which group of organisms did Simberloff and Wilson survey during their mangrove study? Arthropods

Which statement is correct about the results of Williamson’s study of the Channel and Azore islands? Birds and ferns both show a positive relationship between island area and diversity

What term refers to the rate of arrival of new species on an island? Immigration

Which statement correctly describes the mean annual temperature of the tropics? The mean annual temperature in the tropics is very stable across a large range

What did Rosenzweig discover about the temperatures of tropical latitudes? Temperatures are uniform across tropical latitudes

Which variables play a role in determining the species richness of islands? Differences among the speciation rates of various species; differences among the colonization ability of various species; differences among the extinction rates of various species

What type of relationship is discovered when total species richness is plotted against lake area? A positive relationship

Habitat heterogeneity plays a role in influencing the local diversity on continents. TRUE

Why do we know so little about production in the open ocean? Open ocean sampling devices are limited; the open ocean is very large

What type of relationship exists between isolation and the number of montane mammal species on mountaintops in the American Southwest? Strong negative relationship

Which features are associated with a Mediterranean flora? Fire resistance; succulence

What is the disadvantage of east west mountain ranges in Europe during an ice age? Plants do not have a way to retreat from glaciers

According to the favorableness hypothesis, which region provides a more favorable environment? Tropics

What did Simberloff learn when he tested the effect of island area on species richness? There is a positive relationship between area and species richness

What type of relationship exists between species richness and island area? A positive relationship

According to the perturbation hypothesis, the tropics will have a higher species richness than the temperate biomes

Which features of Diamond’s study support the equilibrium model of island biogeography? Stability in the number of bird species over the study period; he compared his results to a study conducted 50 years before

Which tropical area would we expect to have the greatest number of fruit-eating mammal and plant species? Amazonia

What correlation exists between area and species richness? When island area is reduced, species richness decreases

What total number of fish species did Tonn and Magnuson discover to be in the lakes of northern Wisconsin? 23

According to the favorableness hypothesis, why would one region have a greater species richness than another? The environment is more favorable

Which group had a lower species richness on the Azore islands compared to the Channel islands? Bird species

What is the biological significance of the latitudinal pattern of temperature in tropics? Organisms can disperse across a large range

What was the plant species richness on the islands in Lake Hjalmaren, during the first century of their existence? 0 to 127

What did Risebzweig discover about the tropical latitudinal zones? They contain the largest amount of land on Earth

What occurs during a species turnover on an island? The species composition of an island changes, but the number of species is relatively the same

When studying production  of the open ocean, which group of organisms are important? Phytoplankton

What type of study sites were used by Simberloff and Wilson during their Florida Keys study? Small mangrove islands

Why are seepage lakes considered isolated? They do not receive surface runoff

Why did Rydin and Borgegard learn about large islands during their study of Lake Hjalmaren? Large islands had an equal rate of immigration and extinction

What type diversity of bird species would expect in a Northeastern North American community that has a high degree of vertical heterogeneity in the plant community? High diversity

What type of information can be gained from satellite images? Changes in plant biomass

What assumption supports the perturbation hypothesis? The tropics have remained relatively stable

What prediction did MacArthur and Wilson make about the rates of extinction on islands? Rates of extinctions are determined by island size

What best explains the difference between the bird and fern diversity on the Azore islands? Ferns can disperse much easier than birds

Which area of the ocean show the highest levels of productivity? Along the coast

What information did Rydin and Borgegard obtain about the plant diversity on the islands in Lake Hjalmaren? Small and medium sized islands had more immigrations than extinctions

What correlation exists between Northeastern North American plant communities and bird diversity? The greater vertical heterogeneity in the plants, the greater the diversity in the bird species

What prediction did MacArthur and Wilson make about the rate of immigration on an island? Rate of immigration is determined by distance from the source of immigrants

What relationship about diversity was discovered on the Azore islands? Low bird diversity and high fern diversity

Which abiotic feature is believed to have played a role in the disturbances experienced by the middle and high latitudes? Glaciation

What is the remote sensing image measuring when studying the ocean productivity? Levels of chlorophyll a

Which type of lake is considered isolated? Seepage lake

What did Rydin and Borgegard learn about large islands during their study of Lake Hjalmaren? Large islands had an equal rate of immigration and extinction

Which areas of the ocean show the highest levels of productivity? Along the coast